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How to Get the Most Out of Your Microsoft Project Reports – MPUG

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Services include full implementation and training as well as pre-configured solutions and report packs. Visit senseiprojectsolutions. Aydin B. Thanks for your comment! Well, you can add the reports to your Enterprise Global in Project Online, so all project managers that connect to your PWA would be able to use the reports within their projects.

Review Title. Your Review. Sign me up for the newsletter. Remember Me. Please enter your username or email address. You will receive a link to create a new password via email. Quick Links. Project Summary This report displays basic project information, helping project managers to have a quick overview of their project 2.

Schedule Summary This report can be used by project managers to understand the performance of their project when it comes to the schedule itself. It includes Baselines and Current Dates, alongside with Actual and Remaining durations and variances 3. Milestones This report filters and displays all the milestones that are included in the schedule, allowing project managers to understand where there are variances 4. Critical Tasks By using this report project managers can quickly identify all the critical tasks in their schedule 5.

Schedule Overview This report provides detailed information about the schedule, including Task Status, Tasks burn-down and Late Tasks 6. Cost Summary This report helps project managers to understand how their project is performing in terms of costs 7.

Resource Summary With this report project managers can easily understand how their resources are being used in the project All the reports are configured to work with both Project and , and they can also be added to the Enterprise Global in Project Server , Project Server or Project Online.

If you want to download the reports, you can use this link: TechNet Gallery — Custom Reports for Project and I hope you find it useful. I would love to hear your feedback! Related Content Webinars watch for free now! Written by Raphael Santos. Share This Post. You May Also Like. A Simple Project Management Checklist. Customer Reviews.

Well done! Costs are broken down by resource type work, material, and cost. An indicator shows if planned costs exceed baseline costs. Use this report to view a diagram that shows the work and remaining availability for your project’s resources, broken down by resource type work, material, and cost.

A red flag is displayed next to each resource that is overallocated. Use this report to view a pie chart that illustrates the division of resource cost between the three resource types: cost, material, and work.

Use this report to view a bar graph with total capacity, work, and remaining availability for work resources illustrated over time. Use this report to view a bar graph with total resource capacity, work, remaining availability, and actual work illustrated in work units. The following table describes the visual reports in the Assignment Usage category. These reports are based on the timephased data, similar to the data found in the Task Usage and Resource Usage views.

Use this report to view a bar graph with baseline cost, planned cost, and actual cost for your project illustrated across tasks. Use this report to view a diagram of your project broken down by quarter, then by task. This report compares planned work and cost to baseline work and cost.

Indicators are used to show when planned work exceeds baseline work, and when planned cost exceeds baseline cost. Use this report to view a bar graph with baseline work, planned work, and actual work for your project illustrated across tasks. Use this report to view a bar graph with budget cost, baseline cost, planned cost, and actual cost illustrated over time.

Use this report to view a bar graph with budget work, baseline work, planned work, and actual work illustrated over time.

Task, Resource, and Assignment Summary categories. The following table describes the visual reports in the Task Summary, Resource Summary, and Assignment Summary categories.

Summary reports do not include timephased data. Use this report to view a diagram showing the work and remaining work for both critical and non-critical tasks. The data bar indicates the percent of work complete. Use this report to view a diagram of the work and percent of work complete for tasks in your project, with symbols indicating when baseline work exceeds work, when baseline work equals work, and when work exceeds baseline work.

Use this report to view a bar graph with remaining work and actual work for each work resource, illustrated in work units. Use this report to view a diagram of the work and cost values for each of your project’s resources. The percent of work complete is indicated by the shading in each of the boxes on the diagram. The shading gets darker as the resource nears completion of the assigned work. On the Project tab, in the Reports group, click Visual Reports.

In the Visual Reports dialog box, on the All tab, click the report that you want to create. If the report that you want to create is not listed, select the Include report templates from check box, and then click Modify to browse to the location that contains your report. Tip: If you know which category contains the report, you can click that category’s tab to view a shorter list of reports.

If you only want to list reports that open in either Excel or Visio, select or clear the Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Visio check box. To change the level of usage data included in the report, select Years , Quarters , Months , Weeks , or Days from the Select level of usage data to include in the report list. Note: By default, Project sets the level of usage data to what it recommends for your project’s size. For most projects, this will be weeks. If you choose to include data at a more detailed level, report performance may be decreased.

For best performance, if you are viewing multiple reports for the same project at one time, refrain from changing the data level. If you change the data level, the temporary reporting database stored locally must be recreated. If you don’t need to include usage data in your reports, set the data level to Years for best performance. In the Visual Reports dialog box, on the All tab, click the report that you want to edit.

If you only want to list reports that open in either Excel or Visio, select or clear the Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Visio check boxes.

On the Visual Reports – Field Picker dialog box, some fields are identified as dimensions. It is important to select fewer than six dimensions for your report. If you select more than six dimensions, report performance is significantly decreased. Not all fields are available in all reports. Some fields are only available in Visio reports, but not in Excel reports.

If you are unable to locate the field you want to include on the Visual Reports – Field Picker dialog box, it may be stored in a different category of data. For example, many fields that you might think of as Task Summary fields are actually Assignment Summary fields. In the Select Data Type section, select the type of data that you want to use in the report.

Click Add to move them to the Selected Custom Fields box. If you have the English version of Office Project installed, you have the option to create a Visio template that uses U. Some fields are only available in Visio reports, and not in Excel reports. Templates saved in the default template location automatically appear on the Visual Reports – Create Report dialog box. If you begin using a different language pack after saving a custom visual report template, the template remains available but is not populated.

The original field names are not recognized in the new language and are not included in the report. You can select specific data to export within a category OLAP cube , or you can export all project data as a reporting database.

In the Save Reporting Cube section, select the category that contains the type of data that you want to save. Click Field Picker to modify the fields included in the list of data to export. Browse to the location where you want to save the cube data, and then click Save. Browse to the location where you want to save the database, and then click Save. In the top right corner, select the three dots When you see the message ” All done! We’ve exported [your project name].

When you open the Excel file containing your project, you’ll see a worksheet named “Project tasks” that contains a summary of project-wide information at the top, including its name, project manager, and the start and finish dates, duration, and percent complete for the whole project. You’ll also see what date it was exported. Under that, you’ll see a table of all the information for your project. Import and analyze data. Create a PivotTable to analyze worksheet data.

Ideas in Excel. Important: You’ll need a Power BI subscription and a Project subscription in many cases to use this reporting tool. See the following section for details. See Power BI Pricing for more information. Create report. Click the Report tab. Work with your report Change the data in a report Example Change how a report looks Example Make your own report Share a report Make a new report available for future projects More ways to report project info Change the data in a report You can choose the data that Project shows in any part of a report.

Click the table or chart you want to change. Task Usage category The following table describes the visual reports in the Task Usage category. Excel When managing a project in Project for the web, export your project to Excel allows you to: Create reports and visuals Send a file containing project details to external stakeholders Archive copies of your project data for audit and compliance Print copies of your project Here’s how to export your project: Go to project.

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Was this reply helpful? Yes No. Sorry this didn’t help. Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community. Search the community and support articles Windows Windows 10 Search Community member. Bryan bryan. I have been away from MS project for a while in the past i was able to create the above report from older versions. I now have and cannot figure out how to create. Please help. This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread.

I have the same question 0. Report abuse. Details required :. Cancel Submit. Eberwurz Independent Advisor. Hello Bryan, thank you for providing this question. I am a seasoned Windows expert with almost a decade in usage and support experience and hope to resolve your problems quickly. Luckily there are guides out there for this. If you consider your problem solved it would be very good if you marked the answer which helped you so others can find and use this thread.

If this didn’t solve your problem or you need further assistance please answer in this thread and i would be happy to help. Thanks for your feedback. How satisfied are you with this reply? Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site.

Bill Smithers Volunteer Moderator. Hi, Your question is outside the scope of this Community. Kindly repost your question in the TechNet Project Forums. In reply to Eberwurz’s post on May 5, Thank you for the response. However the link you sent was just to create the project schedule. I am able to do that. What i am trying to do is print it in a view like the picture i sent. This site in other languages x.