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What are some ways to show hidden files in Windows 7? – Quora

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4 Ways to Show Hidden Files in Windows 7 – wikiHow.

Apr 28,  · Copying or Moving Files and Folders Using the Context Menu. When you right-click a file or folder, Windows has a couple of hidden context menu functions that let you add two options: Copy to or Move to. Adding these two functions to the context menu gives you a way to either copy or move items in just a few clicks. Oct 21,  · Step 2: Disable OneDrive. In the context menu, choose More to continue.; Then click Settings.; In the popup window, please go to the Settings Then uncheck the option Start OneDrive automatically when I sign into Windows.; Then go to Account tab, click Unlink this PC.; Click Unlink account to continue.; After that, you can see a popup window which requires you . Sep 17,  · Some of these folders are hidden while others need you to add user account access by changing folder permissions. 3] Programs to run at logon time or when Explorer runs Navigate to the following path.