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Adobe captivate 2017 clear cache free

To delete a cache folder, select the check box that corresponds to the folder and click Clear. To delete all the folders, click Select All, and. Start the utility and select your “project cache location” using the “Browse” button (the default location is” My Documents\Adobe Captivate.
Adobe captivate 2017 clear cache free. Recovering corrupt Adobe Captivate projects
This option can be found in the General Settings Category. As the entry suggests you will need to restart Adobe Captivate for the changes to take effect, but the advantage is that you will be able to permanently turn various toolbars on or off as you see fit.
Those changes will be persistent each time you start Captivate. You can then turn on the Adobe Captivate Alignment Toolbar by selecting it from the Window drop-down menu.
Once the Alignment Toolbar appears in your Captivate interface you can save time aligning, resizing, and ordering your on-slide objects with ease. Sure you can right click your objects and select the same settings, however, this requires two mouse clicks. Occasionally an Adobe Captivate project will become corrupt and cease to work. This can happen for a number of reasons, but one of the pre-dominant reasons is most likely that you have been working on your project from a network location.
In that case you probably want to read this article — Setting up Adobe Captivate 6 for use in a corporate environment — so you can avoid this in the future. In some cases all is not lost with a corrupt project. It may be possible to recover a working.
The process is relatively straight-forward and only require two things:. Number 2 is of course the most critical one. Unfortunately, I cannot add the sound file to the file project. Instead, it gives an error message for the sound file. I also tried adding both files together with Adobe Premier; it also gave me an error message of sound encoding.
I have also tried converting the. No possible. Sound file error message. Stack Overflow for Teams — Start collaborating and sharing organizational knowledge. Create a free Team Why Teams? Learn more. No sound on video demo with Adobe Captivate Ask Question.
Asked 6 months ago. Modified 6 months ago. Viewed 25 times.