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Microsoft word 2016 skills test upwork answers free

Answer: MS Word, MS Excel. Question:* What is a ‘golden handshake’?. Answer: The common usage for a generous employment severance package when an. a. The highest quality office space for the least price. What does the CTRL+V shortcut accomplish in Word ? Answers: a. It makes the.
– Microsoft word 2016 skills test upwork answers free
Office, digital and programming skills test. Recruitment test and skills assessment. The Microsoft Word pre employment test measures a person’s skills in Microsoft Word. It speeds up your recruitments by allowing you to quickly assess the skills of your candidates on Microsoft Word.
It is made up of different types of questions reproducing situations encountered in a professional environment. Questions under this domain cover the most common tabs and their main functionalities: File, Home, Insert, and Page Setup.
They also microsoft word 2016 skills test upwork answers free the different display modes in Word. Questions within this domain cover basic to advanced formatting of a text or paragraph and applying a theme to a document.
This domain also includes tabs, indents, borders and margins, and page and section breaks. This domain covers bullets and numbering, performing a search, and using spellcheck. Skulls on the revision tools, header microsoft word 2016 skills test upwork answers free footers, footnotes, and mailing tools are also assessed. This domain covers skills with objects in Word documents: tables, charts, OLE objects, clipart images, and photos. Tet will also vree questions on the functionalities of editing and moving objects.
English French. Login Candidate Administrator. Test catalog Office, digital and programming skills test.
More info. Start free test Skkills. Page layout and formatting Questions within this domain cover basic to advanced formatting of a text or paragraph and applying imcrosoft theme to a document. Editing tools This domain covers bullets and numbering, performing a search, and using spellcheck.
Узнать больше здесь objects and tables This domain covers skills with objects по этому адресу Word documents: tables, charts, OLE objects, clipart images, and photos. Buy Now. Please select a test subject: Excel.
Google sheets. Google Slides. Google Docs. Cyber Citizen.
Microsoft word 2016 skills test upwork answers free
Picture e. What is the function of the Drop Cap option in a Microsoft Word document? It does not allow you to type capital letters in a document. It converts all capital letters in a paragraph to lower letters. It allows you to start a paragraph with a large first capital letter. It allows you to start all words of a paragraph in capital letters. Suppose that you have inserted a 30 x 30 table in a Microsoft Word document.
If you are working at the 30th last row in the first column, then which of the following keyboard shortcuts will you use to go directly to the first row of the first column? The security department of Mark’s organization has decided that only digitally signed macros will be allowed in Microsoft Word. Which of the following options is the correct way to restrict the unsigned macros? For the Track Changes option in a Microsoft Word document, which of the following shows the final version and hides all markups?
Simple Markup b. All Markup c. No Markup d. With reference to Microsoft Word , which of the following types of chart is shown in the given image?
Surface chart b. Histogram chart c. Area chart d. Which of the following options are available in the Format Picture pane, when you right-click an image and select the Format Picture option? Artistic Effects b. Reflection c. In a Microsoft Word document, which of the following functions are performed by footnotes and endnotes? They are used to add page numbers at the bottom of the pages. They are used to add html links in a document, in order to link the document with a web page.
They are used to explain, comment on or provide references to the text mentioned in a document. In a Microsoft Word document, which of the following keyboard shortcuts is used for using Thesaurus? Suppose that you have a Microsoft Word document with pages and you are currently working on the first page.
If you want to go directly to page number 67, then which of the following functional keys should you use? Which of the following List type SmartArt graphics is the most suitable option to show large amounts of text divided into categories and subcategories? Basic Block List c. Lined List d. Stacked List. John is working in the Draft view in a Microsoft Word document. If he wants to switch to the Outline view, then which of the following keyboard shortcuts will he use?
Which of the following chart types are introduced in the Microsoft Word and are not present in the earlier versions of Microsoft Word? Waterfall b. Combo c. Stock d. Suppose that you have entered text in a Microsoft Word document and the cursor is at the end of the line.
It will move the cursor directly to the start of the line. It will add a page break to the document. It will move the cursor backwards, character by character, in the line, i. It will move the cursor backwards, word by word, in the line, i. This question is based upon the figure shown below Which of the following Microsoft Word chart types is shown in the given image? Line chart b. Stock chart c.
Surface chart d. X Y Scatter chart e. Column chart. While working on a Microsoft Word document, Word automatically marks spelling errors, grammar errors or frequently confused words. Which of the following options is the correct procedure to disable these functionalities? While working with a Microsoft Word document, in which of the following views, gridlines in the background of the document can be seen?
Web layout view b. Print layout view c. Outline view d. Which of the following charts display error bars? Bubble chart b. Box and Whisker chart c. Scatter chart d. Line chart. Peter was working on a Microsoft Word document. His document closed due to a system error and he couldn’t save it. Which of the following is the correct way to recover an unsaved workbook? Suppose that you have inserted one rectangle shape and one triangle shape into a page in your Microsoft Word document.
You want to overlap these two shapes but are not able to do it. You can enable overlapping of shapes by right-clicking on the shape and selecting More Layout Options. Which of the following tabs in the Layout dialog box given in the image will you choose to enable overlapping of shapes?
Position b. Text Wrapping c. Size d. We cannot overlap two shapes in Microsoft Word Line c. Maria inserts a table with three rows and three columns into a Microsoft Word document. Now she wants to delete that table from the document. Place the cursor inside any cell of the table and press the Delete key. Right-click on the table move handle and select Delete Table.
Select the whole table by right-clicking on the table move handle and press Delete key. If Julie wants to show the relationships of four quadrants to a whole by using SmartArt graphics in Microsoft Word , then which of the following SmartArt graphic types should she choose? List b. Hierarchy c. Matrix d. Suppose that you have applied watermark to a Microsoft Word document. In which of the following views will you not be able to see that watermark?
Print Layout b. Print Preview c. Web Layout d. Full Screen Read Mode. In a Microsoft Word document, a watermark can be applied from which of the following tabs? Insert b. Design c. Home d. The coach of the national cricket team wants to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the team players. He has selected 4 major areas to analyze: fitness, flexibility, attitude and punctuality. Which of the following chart types will be most suitable in this situation?
Surface chart c. Radar chart d. Waterfall chart. You Might Also Like. Mix Theme Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent id purus risus.
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Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate another link velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Adobe Photoshop Test Upwork 1. Which of the following Layer style options? Note: There may be more than one right answer. English Spelling Test U. Version Upwork. Version 1. Identify the misspelled word in the list below. Hemorrhage b. Harass c. Adobe Illustrator Test Upwork Adobe Illustrator Test Upwork 1. What type of shapes can you draw with the Shaper tool?
Circles Rectangles Hexagons Logo Design Skills Test Upwork Custom Title with Subtitle and Lock Content. We decided to use this room, on the second floor and overlooking the plaza, for Dejah Thoris and Sola, and another room adjoining and in the Envato Stories – Muhammad ThemeFusion.
Immediately after we resumed the march, and though I realized that in some way I had offended Dian the Beautiful I could not prevail upon h Envato Stories – Andy Wilkerson Parallelus. It is made up of different types of questions reproducing situations encountered in a professional environment. Questions under this domain cover the most common tabs and their main functionalities: File, Home, Insert, and Page Setup.
They also cover the different display modes in Word. Questions within this domain cover basic to advanced formatting of a text or paragraph and applying a theme to a document. This domain also includes tabs, indents, borders and margins, and page and section breaks. This domain covers bullets and numbering, performing a search, and using spellcheck. Skills on the revision tools, header and footers, footnotes, and mailing tools are also assessed.
This domain covers skills with objects in Word documents: tables, charts, OLE objects, clipart images, and photos. Candidates will also find questions on the functionalities of editing and moving objects. English French. Login Candidate Administrator. Test catalog Office, digital and programming skills test.
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