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I’m fileamker no means an Apple fanboy, and the presentation[0] had me slack-jawed. This is a serious shot across the bow for other по ссылке who are vying for do-everything-be-everywhere dominance basically, Google. Also, despite how absolutely customer beneficial almost every change looks, Apple and other similar size companies probably should ссылка на продолжение broken up.
This is too much power, too many markets to dominate, too much filemaaker for one company to wield. They will never meet the current legal requirements for a monopoly, жмите this is definitely monopoly power on display. Apple is an existential threat to so many companies Venmo, BNPL firms, activity trackers, news companies, traditional TV broadcasters and they seemingly execute so well that I don’t even know where to start. How can a BNPL firm compete with apple offering the same service at no extra charge?
Just the disappearance of easy money has crashed their valuations already. Gigachad 8 days ago parent next filemaker pro 14 starter solutions free. I don’t think you are overstating it. They have achieved massive amounts everywhere and swiftly wipe out entire companies with ease. But on the other hand, they deliver products that are simply much better than what they replace.
Apple completely obsoleted Tile with Startfr, but the airtags work so much better and soluhions are better off for having them. Are we really better off having competition for competitions sake rather than looking at what delivers the best outcome? Is there any value in preserving the business models of lesser products which are unable to compete on quality and features?
Many of these businesses are on shaky ground anyway. BNPL companies are in a dire situation where almost every other financial institution such as banks, paypal, etc all copying their very easy to copy product. Yes, because there’s a fundamental cost to society. The cost v. However the day has been coming for a long time.
It doesn’t take that much in the way of critical thinking, to have been able to preempt that this situation would manifest. Many people have been asking for this for a long time. Let’s hope it’s not too late when the destructive effect of monopolies are taken seriously. Any discussion of monopoly must demonstrate harm to the consumer.
Breaking up companies for breaking ups sake is not the spirit of antitrust law. In this case, I can argue that Apple is protecting us from crappy companies. Tile sold its business to Life Life sells users’ location data to anyone willing to pay for it.
What’s адрес страницы fundamental cost to society of keeping companies like Tile around? Maybe Life goes out of business. A bunch of engineers get hurt, some product people, marketers, accountants, administrators. That sucks, I agree. The effort of earning 27 million MAUs will be thrown down the toilet if they fail. That sucks. Now Life users must migrate to something that Apple offers. Is the product better?
Does Apple have a fundamentally rivalrous relationship with its users? Does Apple sell users’ data? I see no demonstration of consumer harm in this segment. Let’s take a real hard look at the people harmed by Apple’s monopoly. These are other monopolists of their own vertical who are incensed that they can no longer enjoy monopolistic rents.
Furthermore, that company may go out of business. The people being put out of business are likely engineers who would have no trouble finding another job. I do not have sympathy for technologists. I do have sympathy for the tens if not hundreds of millions of people in America who struggle to make a living.
What’s the effect to filemaker pro 14 starter solutions free if we break up Apple? What’s the effect if we don’t filemaker pro 14 starter solutions free up Apple? Apple at this point in their life has reached a point where its value proposition is more than just a luxury. They’ve created meaningful products creating meaningful changes in lives.
Apple Watch has helped vulnerable filmaker including me get emergency services via fall detection, which leverages technologies and products made possible by Apple’s “monopoly”. Apple gives consumers the option to privately monitor their own ffee and premises through Startfr whereas other surveillance services brazenly monetize their services by selling data to law enforcement. In the case of Homekit, what do soluhions gain if Apple had to break out its home automation unit?
They may have to pay more for that standalone service or else have their data monetized filemaker pro 14 starter solutions free other ways. Is that good for consumers? Heck no. What’s paying for those services now? Apple’s “monopolistic” profits. I could go down the line with every one of Apples units and services.
They’ve helped my family experience a level of richness that we’ve never enjoyed before. For as much as pockets of the tech industry grandstands about “monopoly” because they don’t like IAP rules, actual people don’t care because they have benefitted greatly from what this “monopolistic” entity has contributed to their lives. You’re going to have a tough time convincing me that this would all be possible had Apple not consolidated many parts of the industry.
Insofar as my filemaker pro 14 starter solutions free family and friends see it, this filemaker pro 14 starter solutions free to society has been more like a dividend. When Apple starts acting maliciously, I’ll filemaker pro 14 starter solutions free everyone here to your local Attorney General’s office. Here’s how I see Apple: Apple is Jupiter. It’s the largest planet in the solar system.
Is it terrifyingly large? Is it protecting me, Earth, from getting smashed by asteroids? Нажмите для деталей like Jupiter. Historically this was not true, although it has been true in flemaker U. Historically it was understood that filemaker pro 14 starter solutions free lack of competition was itself harmful, regardless of whether the monopolist was benevolent or not. In filemaker pro 14 starter solutions free case of technology, harm is more difficult to demonstrate.
How do you quantify the harm done by the absence of new products or services launched? It’s harder to say Company A had such a strong position in the market that companies D-Q never got past step 1 before either shutting down or being acquired by one of companies A, B, or C.
Harder to prove the absence is harmful, but there is still harm being done. If nothing else, a company filemaker pro 14 starter solutions free large it engenders a fan base that will defend its every action is edging toward “too big to regulate” in a /23120.txt that doesn’t bode well. For what it’s worth, I’m not big on breaking up existing companies along arbitrary lines as much as I am soutions unwinding acquisitions. What if down the road Apple Home start to suck for anything more than the most basic usage.
There is no way to compete with it on merits base, as integration is essential for such a domain and apple would filemaker pro 14 starter solutions free let it not filemaker pro 14 starter solutions free rpo having a better product but due to simply owning the platform.
I have considered this and, in a former life, I likely would have agreed with you. To use another analogy: Apple builds a beautiful, big house with no locks. A very wealthy family moves in. They love their new house. Then some folks started snooping in to spy on the household or to steal from them. Some of those thieves decide to use their loot to create more houses for the community.
This causes the community to flourish. Others keep the loot to themselves. Apple realizes источник house needed locks from the start, so they install them. The community is arguably negatively affected, as there is no longer a home to steal from. Does this make it wrong for Apple to install locks?
Early, unfettered access to users and user data filekaker a sort of primordial soup for innovation. It’s impossible to argue that it didn’t increase company formation. However, many companies grew by trodding on ground they should have had no right to.
This analogy is so wildly off the mark I don’t even know where to start. The core of the issue here is not user data, but the ability to soutions with the phone OS. It’s absolutely possible to do that without exposing sensitive data, by providing APIs and adopting open standards for payments, notifications, message extensions, maps, etc etc. Case in point, it would have been technically impossible for Tile, or anyone else, to create a product as good as AirTags.
That was not a matter of product vision or creativity, only of who has actual access to the phone hardware. A better analogy would be that Apple does not allow solutinos to bring third-party furniture into the house. You must buy theirs.