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To Delete or Suppress Features | Inventor | Autodesk Knowledge Network.Retrieve model dimensions in a drawing | Inventor | Autodesk Knowledge Network

Delete a Feature In the browser or graphics window, select the work, sketched, or placed feature to delete. Right-click and choose Delete.
In the Delete Features dialog box, specify which dependent features, sketches, or work features to additionally delete: Note: Colors in the dialog box correspond to the highlight color of the selected geometry in the graphics window.
Note: Grounded work planes are automatically created when you retain a dependent sketch. You can constrain the work planes in the part environment, or use the Redefine command to move the sketches onto other work planes. Note: If you do not delete the dependent sketches and features, the retained sketches and features enter the sick state. In the browser, an alert symbol displays next to the affected sketch and feature entries.
Use Redefine to reassociate the sketch to another planar face or work plane in the assembly not available in Inventor LT. Suppress or Unsuppress Sketched or Placed Features Suppressing features makes them temporarily unavailable. Suppressed features do not display in the graphics window and they are dimmed in the browser. Features remain suppressed until you unsuppress them. To suppress a feature, right-click it in the browser or graphics window and choose Suppress Feature. Tip: Select the top level of the feature to suppress all occurrences of the feature and dependent features or expand the feature and select only the dependent features or occurrences.
In the Suppress area of the Feature Properties dialog box, select one of the following: Always. Implicitly suppresses the feature in the browser and the graphics window. Lets you define a condition that determines when the feature is suppressed. Select a parameter from the first list, select a mathematical condition, and enter a value in the field. Note: The units of the parameter and the entered value are the same. Parent topic: About Deleting and Suppressing Features.
free software students inventor – Autodesk Community.
Did I forget a step? Am I supposed to register my ID somewhere to get access to the free trial? Go to Solution. Solved by matthew. I would expect the same username and password that you used to log into the forums to post this question to get you where you needed to go. A while back Autodesk went to a single sign-in.
Here’s a screenshot. I allready have A installed. I have Autocad installed. But it’s not under the same autodesk ID, could that be the problem? I have downloaded the Inventor free trial and registered all sucessfully, however when i open the desktop icon and the free trail window opens, it is blank woth only the Exit Trial tab visible?
I have downloaded the Inventor free trial and registered all sucessfully, however when I open the desktop icon and the free trial window opens, it is blank with only the Exit Trial tab visible? To update your graphics card driver, you search your graphics card online with the word driver to see if your manufacturer has provided a new driver. You may also want to delete your license file and temp folder:. If you are having licensing issues, you can remove the licensing storage file as well.
If you are not dealing with licensing errors, removing this file may be unnecessary. Remove the Trusted Storage file Licensing located in these areas:. Inventor Forum. Share your knowledge, ask questions, and explore popular Inventor topics.
Turn on suggestions. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. Showing results for. Search instead for. Did you mean:. This page has been translated for your convenience with an automatic translation service. This is not an official translation and may contain errors and inaccurate translations. Autodesk does not warrant, either expressly or implied, the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information translated by the machine translation service and will not be liable for damages or losses caused by the trust placed in the translation service.
Back to Inventor Category. Back to Topic Listing Previous Next. Message 1 of Inventor free trial. Then I get : “Autodesk ID or password not recognized. Please try again. I restarted my computer. Tried with anti-virus disabled.
Thx for your help Solved! Message 2 of In the past an Autodesk account was not required in order to install and use any trial software that I am aware of. Is it possible what is prompting you to sign in is possibly related to Autodesk or simply A?
There should be a way to get past that as not everybody has access to A Can you provide a screenshot perhaps to show what is prompting you for user name and password Message 3 of Message 4 of Yes, I can log in.
Message 5 of Preview file. Message 6 of Maybe the versions now require an Adesk account. Message 7 of Everyone enjoys a thumbs up! Please Accept As Solution if this resolves your issue, to help others benefit and locate it. Message 8 of Hi matthew. Message 9 of Changed password, removed special characters. Now it works! Thx matthew. Message 10 of Message 11 of Hi Mathew, I have downloaded the Inventor free trial and registered all sucessfully, however when I open the desktop icon and the free trial window opens, it is blank with only the Exit Trial tab visible?
Regards, robkmjones1. Message 12 of Hi robkmjones1 , Sorry to hear that. Could you provide a screenshot?
Have you updated your graphics card driver? Message 13 of Please reply to my query on the blog!!!! Message 14 of Matt, See attachement, and what please epand on ‘update my graphics card driver?
Regards, Robert. Message 15 of Hi robkmjones1 , To update your graphics card driver, you search your graphics card online with the word driver to see if your manufacturer has provided a new driver.
You may also want to delete your license file and temp folder: If you are having licensing issues, you can remove the licensing storage file as well.
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Mesh Enabler | Inventor | Autodesk App Store – Edit Corners in Sheet Metal Features
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Inventor Keyboard Shortcuts, Hotkeys & Commands Guide | Autodesk
After installing Mesh Enabler, right click on one or more imported mesh features of interest, and convert them into Base features solids, surfaces, or autodesk inventor 2016 auto close free through a new context menu command. Why didn’t they put that in the install instructions? This is really a critical add-in Message 2 of 6. If it does, include the files in the case submission to Autodesk Support:. If you tick ‘Load Automatically’ bottom узнать больше hand corner it should closs the add on every time you start inventor. When it works, works good.