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– Free Autotune Plugins: 7 of the Best In ! –

AutoTune can certainly be a love-hate relationship throughout the music world. If you are not sure how to do it correctly, it could sound worse than the actual person singing. Sometimes, autotune can actually sound pretty stellar if done right. Whether you are brand new to Logic Pro X or producing music for the first time, we learn step-by-step how to efficiently set up autotune to your vocal tracks with ease.
If AutoTune is the sound you are going for, here are the steps to add it seamlessly to your tracks. Remember that it always helps to name each track so that we stay organized. Once pressed, you will notice that the vocal track will be highlighted while the other tracks are greyed out. On the far left side of the program, you will find where you can insert multiple plugins.
Today we are just using the stock autotune plugin that comes with Logic Pro X. Once you find the plugins tabs, click on the dark shaded area to open up a list of usable plugins. This will open up the stock Pitch Correction Plugin.
This next step could be a little tricky for those that have no knowledge of music theory. However, with a little time and patience, your autotune will sound professional!
If you know what key your song is in, simply choose the correct root note to said key. For instance, if your song is in the key of G, then your root note will be G. For the scale tab, make sure you choose the correct scale type for your song. If it sounds happy, then it is most likely in the major scale. No worries! From here, we can manipulate each and every note so that we can fine-tune them to the correct pitches.
To do this, first, listen to your vocal track and point out which notes need some fine-tuning. Click on the highlighted note and drag it either up or down to the pitch you think sounds good corresponding to the key of your song.
Logic Pro X makes it incredibly easy to implement AutoTune into your vocal tracks. Although the stock AutoTune plugin for Logic Pro X is super solid and widely used, you may want to check out some of these other AutoTune plugins :. Be sure to ask us any questions you may have about this tutorial and we will do our best to help!
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Step 1. Step 2. Pitch Correction Plugin On the far left side of the program, you will find where you can insert multiple plugins.
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– Logic pro x autotune plugin free
Jan 14, · What To Do With The Best Free Autotune Plugin For Logic Pro X? If your like most musicians and recording artist, you probably have a budget. There’s a ton of. Logic pro x autotune is a free stock plugin that comes with the out of the box logic pro x software. I use this autotune plugin regularly in production and s. Rent-to-own Auto-Tune Access. Vocal EQ plugins. Once you start working on balancing the vocal in your mix you’ll need a good equalizer plugin. This is the plugin type you’ll use to clean up issues and sculpt the frequency . Autotune is available as a plugin for DAWs used as a stand-alone unit for live performance processing and in a studio setting. The processor helps to shift pitches to the closest, correct semitone slightly. It can also be used as an effect to alter the human voice when the pitch is lowered or raised significantly.
18 Best FREE Autotune VST Plugins ( Windows & Mac ).
Whatever your pitch correction needs are, you’ll leave this article with a free autotune plugin that will help you achieve what you need.