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Logic x pro save controller assignments free. Save Logic Pro projects

Try direct. I did and now the fader just moves slightly in Logic it seems between 0 and 1. It has something to do with how you’re mapping and the settings in the value section. This isn’ta logic forum though so you’re on you’re own ;. Yes true, thank you anyway! I can’t say exactly why it’s not working for you, but FWIW, I just now tried this, and it worked instantly: 1.
Make this Max patch. Pasted Max Patch: Click to Expand. Open Logic Pro X. Create a new Software Instrument track. In Max, click on the toggle objects to start the two metro objects. Works as expected for me. Open the Controller Assignments dialog. Click on the onscreen controller you want to control. Click on the Learn button in the Controller Assignments dialog. If you want to change the mapping of MIDI values to onscreen controller settings, 9.
Logic Pro shows a dialog when you reopen the project, asking if you want to use the autosaved version. If you choose not to, Logic Pro opens the last manually saved version of the project. Project package: Project assets are copied to the project package, or are referenced from another location, depending on which asset types are selected in the Save dialog. By default, the converted project is saved inside the existing project folder, if one exists. Project folder: Project assets are copied to the appropriate subfolders of the project folder, or are referenced from another location, depending on which asset types are selected in the Save dialog.
By default, the existing project folder and subfolders are used, if present, and any additional subfolders needed for project assets are created. With either a project package or folder, you can choose to copy audio files and other assets in the project or reference them in another location.
Unfortunately, Komplete Kontrol notes are always working but not the transports buttons, even if logic surface control parameters are corrects. Any idea? Thanks from France, Pascal. PacMac , Mar 28, Unfortunately not. Seems to be a bug in Logic. Hello, yes it seems Regards, Pascal. PacMac , Mar 30, Messages: 4. Hi there, I m experiencing the same problem, have you find a way to fix that bug? I would hate to deal with all these bugs.
What do you guys feel about it?? Many of the control surfaces in the market today are either not fully compatible with L8 or are not performning efficiently enough. This really cuts to the core as it demonstrates there are still serious gremlins in the most basic part of the controller side of Logic.
The manual actually states that there are “huge gains in productivity” when using these shortcuts especially in my case, on a Lemur interface My hope is that Apple is hard at work on a solution. Ok guys..
So I know I’m a little late to jump in this thread, but I am having the exact same issues as you seem to be having with LS8. I’m using a FW as a control surface with an Apogee Ensemble as an audio interface. I have tried every combination to keep or manually map the midi info. The settings do get erased, it doesn’t always recognize the control surface being present, however the transport window is still recieveing midi messages, and midi can be manually input, however it doesn’t work the best that way.
Sometimes out of the blue it will pop up under the control surface setup window as if it is prompting for a new install; however if I try to scan for new installs, it won’t find anything most of the time. This is driving me nuts, and I have a recording session to do this weekend!!! I have been forced to use DP and Ableton for other projects and I need to use Logic for this session. Is there any way that I can save these exsiting settings somewhere and re-install them if there is a crash?
BTW – the control surface works fine in Ableton 6 and DP 5, also in Logic 7 which is no longer my main system computer. Ensure that all of the outboard MIDI gear which you will ever need to use is connected to your setup and identified and represented on the Physical Input object in the environment.
Ensure that all software you may need to use that runs virtual MIDI ports is represented in the Physical Input object e. Lemur JazzDaemon, Redmatica Keymap v1. If these virtual ports are not represented, make sure the proper applications are open.
Now is also a good time to define extra IAC ports in case you may need some at a later date e. This is a big thing to remember! How do you change the MIDI input your are using you ask? Double click the “Lo7 learned” statement in one of your Lo7 learned commands in the key command editor– the controller assignment screen pops up– go down to the dropdown window under the MIDI input header and you will see what I am talking about. Yes, btw, this is one of the most neglected and poorly documented parts of Logic.
Ensure Logic has properly learned the command– you see the Lo7 response in the window this is the most generic response you should see when mapping CC’s anyway. Depending on how many commands you are mapping, make sure to save your progress in chunks– I do this by exporting my key commands frequently.
Admire how much work you’ve done to actually read the documentation and formulate your own workflow! Exporting your key command mapping to a preset file and name it appropriately I like to name mine based on the date with a letter– 17OCT07a for example.
Now is where things can get a little time consuming– you are going to need to backup a handful of files I use Automator for this task– as it takes care of things in about 5 seconds whereas if I do this manually, it takes a couple of minutes. Save a new folder to your desktop and name it Logic-BackupPrefs or something equally obvious.
All in all a very good idea should it the fan someday. This covers your application prefs. Apparently, this covers your controller setup. Please keep in mind that I have not needed to recover my controller settings since devising this strategy I have yet to see Logic crash since I last remapped. By following this workflow, I am attempting to cover every possible base should a failure occur.
Also, getting comfortable with the Automator can help streamline the backup and startup process for anyone. FYI, I am using Automator to start all of my Audio apps especially the ones with virtual MIDI ports at the same time as Logic–this way I don’t forget to start anything at the outset and it makes it really simple to get things up and running.
I am also using Automator to backup the files listed above into new folders within my BackupPrefs folder. This way, I’ve got weeks of backups at my disposal- without the need to dig for these files. I hear there are some good things to expect in Leopard on the Automator front–e. GUI scripting directly supported. If it all works as designed, this should dramatically change the way Logic can be interacted with–assuming everything works straight away. Thanks alot man.. That’s what I’m going to have to do.
Logic x pro save controller assignments free.Logic X – Controller Assignments: issue with Korg Nanokontrol
For more information, see Manage project assets in Logic Pro. You can also save a project as a template, and use the template to create new projects. Templates make it easier to create projects with frequently used instruments or Mixer configurations, or video or surround projects, for example. Screensets can be customized for each template or copied between templates using the various Import Settings commands.
For more information, see Import data and settings from other Logic Pro projects. The first time you save a new project, the Save dialog appears. In the Save dialog, you can type a name choose the location to save the project. To save the project as a file package containing project assets: select the Organize my project as: Package button. To save the project as a folder containing subfolders for project assets: select the Organize my project as: Folder button.
For more information about managing project assets, see Manage project assets in Logic Pro. I’ve been working with both to see if I can get a solution to stick. As of yet I have been unsuccessful. I’d be curious to know how your setup fares in the next few days Based on the comments I have been reading in regards to using Control Surfaces with L8 – I think it would be wise to postpone my MCU purchase for sometime.
I would hate to deal with all these bugs. What do you guys feel about it?? Many of the control surfaces in the market today are either not fully compatible with L8 or are not performning efficiently enough. This really cuts to the core as it demonstrates there are still serious gremlins in the most basic part of the controller side of Logic.
The manual actually states that there are “huge gains in productivity” when using these shortcuts especially in my case, on a Lemur interface My hope is that Apple is hard at work on a solution. Ok guys.. So I know I’m a little late to jump in this thread, but I am having the exact same issues as you seem to be having with LS8.
I’m using a FW as a control surface with an Apogee Ensemble as an audio interface. I have tried every combination to keep or manually map the midi info. The settings do get erased, it doesn’t always recognize the control surface being present, however the transport window is still recieveing midi messages, and midi can be manually input, however it doesn’t work the best that way.
Sometimes out of the blue it will pop up under the control surface setup window as if it is prompting for a new install; however if I try to scan for new installs, it won’t find anything most of the time.
This is driving me nuts, and I have a recording session to do this weekend!!! I have been forced to use DP and Ableton for other projects and I need to use Logic for this session. Is there any way that I can save these exsiting settings somewhere and re-install them if there is a crash?
BTW – the control surface works fine in Ableton 6 and DP 5, also in Logic 7 which is no longer my main system computer. Ensure that all of the outboard MIDI gear which you will ever need to use is connected to your setup and identified and represented on the Physical Input object in the environment.
Ensure that all software you may need to use that runs virtual MIDI ports is represented in the Physical Input object e. Lemur JazzDaemon, Redmatica Keymap v1. If these virtual ports are not represented, make sure the proper applications are open. Now is also a good time to define extra IAC ports in case you may need some at a later date e. This is a big thing to remember!
How do you change the MIDI input your are using you ask? Double click the “Lo7 learned” statement in one of your Lo7 learned commands in the key command editor– the controller assignment screen pops up– go down to the dropdown window under the MIDI input header and you will see what I am talking about.
Yes, btw, this is one of the most neglected and poorly documented parts of Logic. Ensure Logic has properly learned the command– you see the Lo7 response in the window this is the most generic response you should see when mapping CC’s anyway. Depending on how many commands you are mapping, make sure to save your progress in chunks– I do this by exporting my key commands frequently. Admire how much work you’ve done to actually read the documentation and formulate your own workflow! Exporting your key command mapping to a preset file and name it appropriately I like to name mine based on the date with a letter– 17OCT07a for example.
Now is where things can get a little time consuming– you are going to need to backup a handful of files I use Automator for this task– as it takes care of things in about 5 seconds whereas if I do this manually, it takes a couple of minutes. Save a new folder to your desktop and name it Logic-BackupPrefs or something equally obvious. All in all a very good idea should it the fan someday. This covers your application prefs. Apparently, this covers your controller setup.
Please keep in mind that I have not needed to recover my controller settings since devising this strategy I have yet to see Logic crash since I last remapped. By following this workflow, I am attempting to cover every possible base should a failure occur.
Also, getting comfortable with the Automator can help streamline the backup and startup process for anyone. FYI, I am using Automator to start all of my Audio apps especially the ones with virtual MIDI ports at the same time as Logic–this way I don’t forget to start anything at the outset and it makes it really simple to get things up and running.
I am also using Automator to backup the files listed above into new folders within my BackupPrefs folder. This way, I’ve got weeks of backups at my disposal- without the need to dig for these files. I hear there are some good things to expect in Leopard on the Automator front–e.
GUI scripting directly supported. If it all works as designed, this should dramatically change the way Logic can be interacted with–assuming everything works straight away.
Thanks alot man.. That’s what I’m going to have to do. Saving back ups of the preferences has helped alot already. Thanks for taking all the time to write that up.. I didn’t want to be laying down and editing vocals without a control setup, or in a different DAW.
You think I should do this also for all virtual usb ports like a trigger finger or x-session too? I know that you have access to it under the advanced view too.. Thanks again for your help. If the trigger finger and x-session pop up into the Physical Input object when you plug them in which I suspect they do , I would plug them in and make sure they are present every time you use your mappings.
Otherwise these issues will keep coming up. I have tried to future proof my setup as much as possible by throwing in a couple of spare IAC busses etc The Lemur and Logic really sing when this all works! In terms of the Lo7 messages, these are visible in the Key Shortcut preferences window at the time you MIDI learn the shortcut apologies if the screen name is wrong, I’m not in front of LP at the moment. Dec 20 pm. I’m also trying to control the track volume faders in Logic with Max.
Unfortunately the value in Max doesn’t correspond with the volume fader in Logic. The fader in Logic increases also when the value in Max goes down. Do you have any suggestion, how I could solve this Evan? Look at the mode menu in the value section. Try direct. I did and now the fader just moves slightly in Logic it seems between 0 and 1.
It has something to do with how you’re mapping and the settings in the value section. This isn’ta logic forum though so you’re on you’re own ;. Yes true, thank you anyway! I can’t say exactly why it’s not working for you, but FWIW, I just now tried this, and it worked instantly: 1.
Make this Max patch. Pasted Max Patch: Click to Expand. Open Logic Pro X. Create a new Software Instrument track. In Max, click on the toggle objects to start the two metro objects. Works as expected for me. Open the Controller Assignments dialog. Click on the onscreen controller you want to control. Click on the Learn button in the Controller Assignments dialog. If you want to change the mapping of MIDI values to onscreen controller settings, 9.
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Banyan13 Posted May 30, I olgic a support ticket with the info as well, logic x pro save controller assignments free hope there is a fix coming soon! Impact of Global Materials Shortage. Thanks for taking all the time to write that up. Damian Edited October 2, by damian. Admire how much work you’ve done to actually read the documentation and formulate your own workflow! My setup seems identical to Soundog Helix 3.