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Add an email account to Outlook

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In this article, we will have a look at the OAB configuration in Exchange in coexistence. Outlook will trigger an OAB download every 24 hours right from the time it received the last fully updated OAB files. A small background functionality of OAB from Exchange Outlook Queries OAB through Autodiscover URL. Reaches the Exchange Aug 09,  · Summary. Autodiscover is the feature that Outlook uses to obtain configuration information for servers to which it connects. In Outlook with Exchange servers, Autodiscover is considered the single point of truth for configuration information and must be configured and working correctly for Outlook to be fully functional. Mar 10,  · I use email for my Microsoft sign in account. Mail doesn’t work with the auto configuration and doesn’t give me an option to delete it or even an option to go to advanced settings to fix it. This occurs on multiple laptops and also seen the same question on several forums specifically for Charter, with no answer.

POP, IMAP, and SMTP settings.

Under User Information, configure the following settings: In the Your Name box, type your full name. · Under Server Information, click the kind of email account. Use advanced setup to add a POP or IMAP email account in Outlook for Windows · Open Outlook and select File > Add Account. · On the next screen, enter your email.


– Change or update email account settings in Outlook for Windows


Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. This article is for IT Pros and admins that are deploying and configuring Outlook for Windows for users in their enterprises.

With Cached Exchange Mode, which is the default setting for users, Outlook no longer depends on continuous network connectivity for access to user information. When a user is connected, Outlook continuously updates users’ mailboxes so that the mailboxes are kept up to date.

If a user disconnects from the network, for example, by moving to an area without Wi-Fi access, the user can continue to access the last available email data. Online Mode works by using information directly from the server, and, as the name implies, it requires a connection.

Mailbox data is only cached in memory and never written to disk. Cached Exchange Mode is the preferred configuration in Outlook and is useful in the following situations:. Even when it is configured in Cached Exchange Mode, Outlook must contact the server directly to do certain operations. These operations won’t function when Outlook is not connected and can take longer to complete on high-latency connections.

These operations include the following:. Delayed delivery options are client side in cached mode and server side in online mode. So, when you use Cached Exchange Mode, Outlook must be connected and open at the assigned delivery time for the delayed delivery message to be sent.

At setup, the user can decide to enable Cached Exchange Mode. In some cases, you can improve the performance of Cached Exchange Mode for your whole organization or for a group of users—for example, users who work remotely. When you use Cached Exchange Mode, be aware that users’ local. The format that Outlook uses to store data locally for Cached Exchange Mode is less space-efficient than the server data file format. The maximum size for. The default is 50 GB of data storage.

Make sure that users’. When upgrading, if you do not change Cached Exchange Mode settings, the same settings are kept for Outlook However, by default, when Outlook is installed and Cached Exchange Mode is enabled, a new compressed version of the Outlook data file. The earlier version of the. If you must keep Outlook from creating a new compressed Outlook data file. Most users find that Cached Exchange Mode performs faster than online mode. However, several factors can influence a user’s perception of Cached Exchange Mode performance, like hard disk size and speed, CPU speed,.

For troubleshooting tips about diagnosing and addressing performance issues in Outlook, see How to troubleshoot performance issues in Outlook. By default, when Cached Exchange Mode is enabled, shared mail and nonmail folders that users access in other mailboxes are downloaded and cached in the user’s local. Similarly, if a manager delegates access to his or her Inbox to a team member, when the team member accesses the folder, Outlook also starts caching the Inbox folder locally.

You can disable caching of all shared folders for profiles that have Cached Exchange Mode enabled. This setting applies to both mail and nonmail folders in Outlook If you want to disable caching of shared mail folders like a delegated Inbox but not shared nonmail folders like Calendar , see By default, shared mail folders are downloaded in Cached mode in Outlook and later versions. As an alternative to Public Folders, consider Site Mailboxes.

Site mailboxes improve collaboration and user productivity by allowing access to both SharePoint Server documents and Exchange email that is in the same client interface. A site mailbox consists of SharePoint Server site membership owners and members , shared storage through an Exchange Server mailbox for email messages and a SharePoint Server site for documents, and a management interface that addresses provisioning and life-cycle needs.

SharePoint Server documents that are viewed in the site mailbox are stored only on SharePoint Server. For more information, see Configure site mailboxes in SharePoint Server. Outlook is configured to determine a user’s connection speed by checking the network adapter speed on the user’s computer supplied by the operating system.

If the reported network adapter speed is KB or lower, the connection is defined as a slow connection. When a slow connection to an Exchange Server computer is detected, Outlook helps users have a better experience if they reduce the less important information that is synchronized with the Exchange Server computer.

Outlook makes the following changes to synchronization behavior for slow connections:. Outlook continues to synchronize the Outlook data with mobile devices, and some client-side rules might run. We recommend that you do not synchronize mobile devices when the Cached Exchange Download only headers setting is enabled.

When you synchronize a mobile device by using ActiveSync, for example, full items are downloaded in Outlook, and the synchronization process is less efficient than it is during regular Outlook synchronization to users’ computers. The Download only headers setting for synchronization is designed for Outlook users who have dial-up connections or cellular wireless connections, to minimize network traffic when there is a slow or expensive connection.

For a scenario where users’ actual data throughput is slow, even though their network adapters report a fast connection, you can disable automatic switching to downloading only headers by using the Group Policy option, Disallow On Slow Connections Only Download Headers.

Similarly, there might be connections that Outlook has determined are slow but which provide high data throughput to users. In this case, you can also disable automatic switching to downloading only headers. When an Outlook account is configured to use Cached Exchange Mode, there’s always a local copy of a user’s Exchange mailbox ready in an offline data file.

By default, the. When the user is online, the cached mailbox and OAB are periodically updated from Exchange Server in the background. Any email messages the user drafted while offline are automatically sent when that user is back online. If a user upgrades from an earlier version of Outlook to Outlook and you previously configured Outlook for Cached Exchange Mode, those old Cached Exchange Mode settings are automatically applied, including a new synchronization control for shared mailboxes.

The default location for new. As an administrator, you can configure a different. If you do not specify a different. The Mail to keep offline slider in the Server Settings dialog box in Outlook has been updated to apply to shared folders and lets you set a smaller synchronization window, available by default with Cached Exchange Mode in Outlook The slider allows an Outlook user to limit the email messages that are locally synchronized in a Microsoft Outlook data file.

By default, if Cached Exchange Mode is enabled, Outlook caches email messages only from the last 12 months and removes anything older from the local cache for the PC. These default settings depend on the device, with mobile devices having smaller default settings.

The email messages that are removed from the local cache are still available for users to view, but they’ll need to be connected to Exchange Server to view them. Users can view messages that were removed from the local cache by scrolling to the end of a message list in a folder and clicking the message Click here to view more on Microsoft Exchange. Users can also change how much email to keep offline. You, the administrator, can change the default age or enforce the age of email messages that are removed from the local cache.

Remember that customizing Cached Exchange Mode settings is optional. In the Account Name column, click the account you want to configure, and click Modify to display the Exchange Settings dialog box.

By default, Cached Exchange Mode is disabled. Right-click the policy object that you want, and click Edit. The Group Policy Management Editor window opens. In the Default location for OST files text box, enter the default location for. For example:. You can define a new default location for both Personal Microsoft Outlook data files.

The following table shows some settings that you can configure for Cached Exchange Mode. The following table shows some additional settings that you can configure for Exchange connectivity. Planning considerations for deploying Outlook for Windows. Skip to main content. This browser is no longer supported. Download Microsoft Edge More info. Table of contents Exit focus mode. Table of contents. Note This article is for IT Pros and admins that are deploying and configuring Outlook for Windows for users in their enterprises.

Note We recommend that you do not synchronize mobile devices when the Cached Exchange Download only headers setting is enabled. The Office Customization Tool can only be used to configure volume licensed versions of Outlook, such as the version of Outlook that comes with Office Standard In this article. Enable it to configure how much user email that Outlook synchronizes locally by date of message. To allow all email messages regardless of date to synchronize to users’ local mailbox cache, enable and select All from the list.

By default, if you don’t configure this setting, Outlook synchronizes email messages sent or received in the last 12 months to users’ local mailbox cache. Enable it to turn off the Download Full Items option in Outlook. Enable it to turn off the Download Headers option in Outlook.

Enable it to synchronize shared nonmail folders in Cached Exchange Mode. Enable it to configure new and existing Outlook profiles to use Cached Exchange Mode. Disable to configure new and existing Outlook profiles to use Online Mode. Enable it to force Outlook to use the existing. If you disable or do not configure this setting recommended , a new. Enable it to control the number of days that elapses without a user accessing an Outlook folder before Outlook stops synchronizing the folder with Exchange.