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Nikon Japan abandons ViewNX 2, ViewNX-i, Capture NX2 and Capture NX-D completely – DIY Photography – Return to 2004

I’m surprised that the editor could compare these softwares and give an opinion on a laptop screen, maybe not even calibrated The review stated this as a problem with ACR when its controlability is actually a benefit. Still I agree with munn1 that I will be sticking with LR for now, as it is pretty good value, and I’m in a similar position of sometimes paid work corporate events , mostly hobby. Good to see this and great for Nikon owners who don’t want to pay for additional software. The fly in the ointment is that its noise reduction — which, remember, can’t be disabled — is quite heavy-handed. Hasa Ha!
Nikon capture nx2 vs nxd free. Capture NX-D
You can also save images as JPG files. Floating palettes can be arranged in a workspace that best supports your workflow style and needs—even positioned on a second monitor—and you can choose from seven different display styles.
Images can be viewed as thumbnails, double clicked as full image previews, or with the current image preview and thumbnails combined. You can also view images in a side-by-side comparison if you want to see before and after views, and compare various images in 2-up and 4-up layouts. Features of Capture NX-D include batch processing, levels and curves adjustments, adjustments to Nikon Picture Controls including the latest Picture Control styles as well as with RAW files from older cameras, white balance, noise reduction, unsharp mask and camera and lens corrections.
Other features of Picture Control Utility 2 include finer adjustments of each parameter, expandable window size, flexible size of the preview screen, larger display for easy setting of fine-tuning and more.
And, you can also create custom Picture Controls to upload to your camera. Click here to download Capture NX-D software. By clicking Sign Up, you are opting to receive educational and promotional emails from Nikon Inc. You can update your preferences or unsubscribe any time.
Search Articles. Glossary Off On. View a large image with thumbnails visible as well. View images as thumbnails only.
I have used Capture NX-d and like it. I have not heard good things about the Fuji raw converter which is based on silkypix. I think you’d have to resort to editing the exif to make that one work tricking the software to think you have nikon files. Flow – no, I am not talking specifically about this article, but OEM raw editors in general. I am only familiar with CNX-d.
But I think every OEM has their own raw editor. I am curious about Fuji – is their raw editor any good? I have been given to understand that Nikon’s software is also based on Silkypix. I used the Fuji version 7 or 8 years ago and it worked pretty much the same as NX-D.
Slow, but with some weird and interesting adjustment possibilities. I use View NX-I almost exclusively. It does what I need at this point and as the post says its far easier to use for basic edits that Capture. But the problem I’m currently encountering and I know I’m not the only one is the blockage of final photo processing with my new MacBook Air M1.
Once the changes are made on the photos, I launch the final conversion and the file remains in the queue. Nothing happens. It’s been going on for weeks and, for the moment, no update has solved the problem at least not for the French version of Capture NX-D.
Capture NX-d is slide-car just like lightroom, your edit save is saved to a separate folder which only the software can read. Capture NX like older Nikon capture has u-point adjustment, don’t think view has it. For View, you can see your edit on any computers with View if you move or copy the file. For editing speed slidecar is faster, because for View every commends is saved as you edit and you get a short freeze on a slower computer.
While Nikon software looks more like what it should be, I still prefer Lightroom 6 for editing options. Why I open capture nx along with lightroom sometimes to make sure I know what the color color is. I do have calibrated duel monitors. What, ok thanks for the update. I guess I haven’t gotten the latest version. I just use capture nx d. Good to know. That is because Adobe is miles ahead of any other software for AI Auto that actually works.
I used the auto adjustments for a short period and still find them occasionally useful Smart Lighting can bring shadows up without compromising highlights quickly and well, lens adjustments are great if you want an absolutely clinically optically correct image — I often don’t. For NR, I find that a setting around 12 for DeepPrime and 20 for Prime almost always provide the most natural looking results. Generally no longer a fan of automated clarity as images basically look oversharpened in every program: if you are looking for more clarity, the Fine slider in the Contrast section is the most important tool for natural looking pop.
Returning to automated settings, DxO Photolab will adjust all of the above on opening any image if that’s the preset you choose. I’ve got my preferred settings as the starting preset, as that gives me the exact starting point I like for my own corrections. If a given set requires a tweak to that starting preset, it’s easy to build takes about ten seconds. I’ll step in and put in a good word for CNX-D.
It’s free, it’s full function, and I find it easy enough to use. With these things, it always comes down to familiarity and I’ve been quite a few years now. First View NX is not designed for editing- it is a viewer. Capture NX-D is. Second the Nikon softwares produce more accurate colour than Adobe.
The Nikon softwares LACK the ability to increase micro-contrast with the far better noise reduction and sharpening that DXO has, and Adobe softwares are handicapped by the crude 0. I regularly use 0. DXO also provides a better gradation to Nikon Raw files over the Adobe softwares, which are convenient but hardly able to do justice to anything as the sharpening is so very crude with high res images. If you like Nikon software colors better, that’s fine, but don’t get carried away.
Lightroom’s sharpening is the best I’ve found with the best balance of artifacts and detail. It’s nice to have all those controls all together in one spot. If you don’t want to become a professional computer jockey instead of a photographer – CNX-d is so much faster to get good colors than playing with dials and switches in ACR all day long.
Lightroom’s Camera Standard is one of the best raw conversions available without any need for neurotic color twiddling. No, actually, Lightroom’s interface is by FAR the easiest, fastest and most intuitive. Tutorials are available if you’re having trouble. String – then, the camera? Because apart from custom white balance – most people just let the camera choose and then do adjustments in post.
I would rather spend my time with contrast white point, black point, and curves than spend all of my time fiddling around in ACR trying to get good color. NX-d give me good color easily. You have no need to use ACR, that’s what LR is for; make, buy or download a custom profile and set it up to apply to all your nef files on import These little low res thumbnails are moronic, and thats being nice about it.
The interface is a essentially a cross platform java app-style, and it looks inoffensive but nothing close to a modern UI stack. The single most outdated, not modern looking interface is that of Lightroom Classic. No other application or codebase is older, slower and less user friendly than that one.
Capture One is way more modern, as is every other image editing application that like Affinity Photo or Pixelmator. The Lightroom modern apps are a different story but they lack so many features that you cannot compare them to Capture One. My favorite interface is Capture One on Mac. It is slightly less great on a Windows computer but that is more down to Windows.
DaVinci is such a great interface on Windows that it doesn’t support proper scaling on high-resolution screens without getting blurry. So not. It looks like more could have been done with the Nikon software. Some of the images look like shadows are not raised enough in the View NX-i recipe. That makes skin look dark and unnatural. The exposure looks cranked up in ACR. That along with some simple white balance chagnes in View could have made the images almost identical.
Having just got a good Nikon camera an having read this i decided to download both view and capture on windows 10, in download window it says something about antivirus no additional antivirus other than windows anyone got any clues as to what to do, cheers in advance.
It provides much more control than you would expect for a free RAW developer provided by the camera manufacturer. For cataloging the images I am using a specialized program which interacts quite well with Capture NX-D by also managing its side car files.
If you have ideas and wishes for this program, please let me know. It is under active development. Your program fotoarray looks interesting Julian. Could you point to some independent reviews of it? As you mention, U-points are fantastic. I’ve paid hundreds to have them in DxO Photolab where the interface and workflow are truly a joy. Free in Capture NX-D is a wonderful opportunity for Nikon photographers to get started with u-points.
As mentioned – the demo is practically not restricted it shows a banner and a message from time to time. The setup exe is digitally signed by my company, the OSX version is notarized by Apple. There is also a ZIP which just requires unpacking for launch without admin rights. The windows version also runs in the “Windows Sandbox” – although a bit slower, since there is no hardware acceleration. The concept of fotoARRAY allows its use as a catalog browser – with software, catalog and image files being stored on a hard drive to manage the photography “legacy”.
Even now the stacking into one instance variable feathering. Nikon u-point is not even close. The radial filter is my favorite feature of LightRoom – It is a quick possibility to enhance exposure or apply a vignette. This makes it is a good tool to make local color adjustments. I am actually not against the subscription per-se.
The price is also pretty low, compared to prices for lenses and similar. But I see a problem to have an image catalog based on rented software. I maybe want to locate images in the future or give the catalog to somebody else who does not have a subscription or cannot install the software required to open the catalog. I would rather have my teeth drilled without benefit of novocaine than process raws in any Nikon software. It’s so fast and easy; no other program opens RAW files so quickly.
The new programs also lack the capacity to create new RAW files. Unfortunately my D is the last camera that’s compatible. One of the nice things about NX-D is the color control points, for adjusting hue, saturation, brightness, contrast etc. Not as advanced as the ones in Capture NX2, but still very nice. I have compared sharpness and details when using NX-D to LR, Capture One, DxO, Acdsee etc, and it provides the absolutely best details and sharpness “out of the box” and with the least effort, where the other apps require a lot more work and then some of them can’t even provide the same level of details.
One thing that is quite annoying with NX-D is that it is really slow a loading large folders with images. Regarding the menus and layout of NX-D it is just a matter of getting used to and I don’t think it is more confusing than LR was the first time I used it. I almost stopped using LR, even though it is more advanced, due to the dreaded catalog that quite often got corrupted.
NX-D just creates a sub-folder with one little file with the edits for each image. Capture One I don’t care about because it costs far too much for what you get. Reilly, there is no way that fine detail is any more detailed with Adobe Lightroom than DxO.
If that’s the case for you, you don’t have the right settings dialed in DxO which has many different modules to allow photographers to increase resolution without oversharpening. If you are talking about oversharpening, then Adobe is almost unmatched. The atrocious Luminar might have taken the crown for oversharpening though in its last two versions.
You’d fail in a double blind test on these. I would too. If the Adobe conversion looks like a smartphone to you – then so does the Nikon conversion The difference between the Nikon software and others, generally, is when you have strong colors.
Red, blue, yellow, etc. Facial tones up close in good lighting. The sample you show has no colors except gray and muted blue, and grayish blue. Capture NX-D isn’t exactly the pinnacle of free software available for Nikon users. It’s just another SilkyPix rebadge, with some Nikon custom profiles added and a reskin. Sure – but that’s a good thing. I see no faults in this program. The one thing it misses are layers, but it has U-Points for local color correction.
Well, it’s not the full version of Capture One, but there is a free version of Capture One Express for Nikon available here:. The free version of CaptureOne is basically a demo. It’s horribly crippled. Might just work for someone who doesn’t really care to do any post-production on his or her photos but has decided to shoot RAW anyway. One does benefit from the decent colour profiles CaptureOne does offer very good Sony profiles unlike Adobe.
I looked at the Capture One Express for Canon and some other manufacturers. Crippled junk. Barely more than a conversion tool. It appears that Silkypix designed the background software structure. Nikon designed the subroutines for the colors, contrast curves, white balance ranges, etc. Nothing is perfect, but it does a very good job for most photos. Not as good for poorly exposed photos. If you habe used Silkypix you will notice a very great difference in the two programs.
I really want to see the article on Olympus Workspace vs. Given the current situation of Olympus, will there be? The reason why I want a more professional comparison is because I really can’t adjust the beautiful Olympus colors with ACR. DPR would agree with you about Oly default colours as well. They often say how good the ooc jpg colour is.
Check this out:. The “ACR colors suck” is basically internet echo chamber drivel. Owning equipment from “the dark side” one of the issues with RAW converters is the ability to correct the lens profiles well. As optical design almost always requires corrections for chroma and distortion , having an up to date software is paramount.
I find this a dual edged sword, Adobe seems to cover a variety of lens manufacturers , but the camera manufacturers use their free tool to tie users to their lenses. How does this work with Nikon? This is a worthy comparison but must be placed in context. As stated in the article, freebie software is not exactly freebie. However, it sure is way cheaper than 3rd party software.
In that respect, one can’t expect too much from it yet it sure does a wonderful job. Why do they offer it at all? Not all need or are willing to pay ongoing PP software fees. In hindsight, I wished I had stuck to camera branded software but chose to buy LR and am now virtually enslaved by the Adobe ecosystem :. RawTherapee is pretty painful to use outside of a Linux environment. I’m a software UX designer so it’s not for lack of background or lack of trying.
RawTherapee offers the second most powerful NR on the market, free or paid. There’s also Photivo, which can do some pretty amazing things but has the scariest user interface of any imaging software I’ve ever seen — you’re directly manipulating the imaging pipeline — and install reaches new heights of pain, pretty much requiring build from source of both it and some packages it uses.
Because those apps UI are trash. I downloaded all of them late last year, and they all got deleted. Open source tools get the latest research products integrated a lot faster than commercial systems, and RawTherapee definitely does a few things better than any commercial software.
Photivo can be even more spectacular, but it’s a raw processor for signal processing researchers more than for photographers. Seriously, Photivo’s interface is more natural to audio engineers used to setting up signal processing pipelines than to photographers. Of course, on designed-to-be-highly-portable open source projects, UI integration with operating system interfaces and other tools is generally poorer than for products made for a specific platform, so there’s another reason people might be scared off.
Downside is obviously that details look a bit different. If you want to test this, RawTherapee has quite large selection of different algos to test. Also for “normal” Bayer cameras, you can squeeze maximum details with it. Just a bit harder to learn, but once you do, its very easy.
Also can be automated a lot. And its free. There’s a lot of HDR going on in the Nikon software. Lots of haloing. Is that switch-offable? It’s called ADL – active dynamic lighing, it can be turned off in the camera to exclude from the jpegs, and it can be turned off for the raw files as well.
It’s one of the first things to do when you set up your new camera. Thanks for that, DimensionSeven. I’m aware of ADL in camera, but I was curious about it because it seems they left it on for most of, if not all, the shots posted here, and it’s a bit difficult to compare between the two when the Nikon software is always doing that. I’ve been shooting Nikon digital for 18 years, but I’ve never actually tried their software!
This all lines up exactly with my experience with Nikon’s software. Not just with usability, but capability. Anyone says otherwise needs to get a life Even with years of experience I find it impossible to achieve true and pleasing color with Adobe ACR.
It is so easy to achieve the best possible color with NX-D – try getting a white dress as pure true white while maintaining the rest of the image colors true, its just not possible. Adobe has improved over the years but still not good enough. The only problem with Capture NX-D is that it is slow but at least results are achievable on almost first attempt.
The major problem is the highlight recovery which does not exist except for what you can get with the Active D-Lighting , ACR is excellent in this regard. I found this out years ago. I switched from Canon to Nikon and had been using Lighroom. I beat my head against the monitor for months trying to get good colors and images.
Then I tried CNX-d. It was like light breaking through the clouds after a storm. It handled the nef files in such a natural way. None come close to CNX-D. Capture one is the closest. You folks may prefer the CNX colors, but that means squat to those of us who prefer the Adobe colors.
These lenses are designed for vloggers, so Chris decided to film himself and find out how they perform. Holy moly, this thing is tiny! We take the adorable Sigma mm F2. Here’s what’s new and what we think so far We’ve been able to spend some quality time with Fujifilm’s APS-C flagship, and we have plenty of opinions!
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These capable cameras should be solid and well-built, have both speed and focus for capturing fast action and offer professional-level image quality. Although a lot of people only upload images to Instagram from their smartphones, the app is much more than just a mobile photography platform. In this guide we’ve chosen a selection of cameras that make it easy to shoot compelling lifestyle images, ideal for sharing on social media.
Although Adobe says it will eventually make the web-based version of Photoshop free for all to use, the beta testing is currently limited to Canada we’re quite sure Chris and Jordan had nothing to do with this, but you never know.
Adobe has released a major update to its Lightroom ecosystem that includes video editing capabilities, new preset functionality and much more. Capture One 22 But what’s do these modes achieve? We to look at how data is captured, how it’s stored and what benefits you should expect from bit capture. In addition to the new stills and video capture modes for the a1, Sony has also released a minor firmware update for its a7S III full-frame mirrorless camera.
Have you ever come across a ‘Pro Mist’ or ‘Cinebloom’ filter and wondered what they do, or why you might want them? This little guide will help you get started on your mist filter journey. For the first time, and aided by the Hubble Space Telescope, researchers have measured the mass of an isolated black hole through the Milky Way Galaxy.
While none of these are deal-breaking issues, here are some the annoying camera quirks that really get under Chris and Jordan’s skin. This could be one of Leica’s most expensive limited-edition kits if they do end up retailing for the prices they’re expected to fetch. Who wouldn’t want a camera that looks like R2-D2 from Star Wars? James DeFehr developed Pyro , a film developer that promises extremely fine grain, high contrast, expanded tonal control and long shelf life.
It looks like a promising developer for black and white film enthusiasts. Leica loves a good special edition camera and lens. The annual Comedy Pet Awards photo competition has released a collection of the best images submitted so far, showing off the funny side of all kinds of animals. We go hands-on with the new XF mm F5. To make streaming and controlling your video streams easier and more accessible, Atomos has released the Zato Connect streaming monitor.
You can control video feeds, add effects, and even record backup footage for ‘as-live’ streaming with the device. Technology component experts Techinsights has posted a detailed analysis to its website confirming Nikon is using a Sony Semiconductor image sensor inside its flagship Z9 mirrorless camera.
Firmware v2. Dubblefilm has announced a new ISO color film. The Cinema film promises distinct colors and tones and a halo effect around bright red lights. Panasonic says the L2 tech tie-up with Leica will not affect the L-mount alliance the two companies share with Sigma. Take a closer look at what the 11mm F1. The new operating systems for Apple’s desktop and mobile devices will enable all new features and functionality for your iPhone, iPad and macOS devices.
We’ve rounded up some of the most significant updates. Loupedeck has announced its latest customizable console, the Loupedeck Live S. The device is aimed at streamers and gamers. However, it still has something on offer for photographers and other creatives looking to dip their toes into a control panel for their apps. The first full-color images from the James Webb Space Telescope are almost here.
NASA has announced that it will release the first full-color photos and spectroscopic data from Webb on July Submit a News Tip! Reading mode: Light Dark. Login Register. Best cameras and lenses. Now reading: Review: Nikon NX Studio answers our plea for a free, all-in-one editing app comments. Introduction Nikon NX Studio version 1. Key takeaways: NX Studio comes with a modern, approachable UI Keywording and GPS tagging are now supported Allows for movie playback and light editing Image quality and performance are broadly similar to predecessors; convenience in a single package is the reason to upgrade A cleaner, friendlier, more modern user interface The user interface is aesthetically similar to that of both earlier apps, but it’s now cleaner, friendlier and more standards compliant than before.
Few and minor drawbacks to the new interface There are relatively few downsides to the new UI. You can’t undock panels any more, but you can customize the workspace with user-selected palettes to match your own workflow The navigation panel, folders and albums controls are all fixed at screen left, while the histogram, adjustments, EXIF information and keywording tools sit at the right of the screen.
Keyword your images manually or based on location Given that ViewNX-i had a rather abbreviated selection of editing controls, I’d wager most users will be migrating from Capture NX-D. View your images and track logs on the map Speaking of the map view, that’s another new addition, and it allows you to see geotagged images from your currently-selected folder or album on an interactive world map. The new Map view can pinpoint the location and capture direction of individual photos, show GPS track logs and automatically geotag your images from the tracks.
Play movies and perform basic editing tasks Another new addition is support for movies, both in terms of playback and basic editing. You can now view and perform basic editing on movies in-app, but you’ll need a beefy processor and GPU if you want to do so with ultra high-def footage. You can also play basic slideshows in-app, but there are only three transition types to choose from, and you’ll need to supply any background music yourself. Performance is similar to both predecessors As for performance, which was already a strong point of Nikon’s software compared to that provided by many manufacturers, things are also pretty similar to before.
A few bugs, but that’s to be expected in a brand-new app In my time with Nikon NX Studio, I’ve found it to be very stable, but that’s not to say it’s perfect, nor would I expect a brand-new app to be.
Performance and image quality are very similar to those of its predecessors, and there are thankfully only a few minor bugs Firstly, there’s still an issue with detecting dragging of the right-panel scroll bar, regardless of whether the program is running maximized or not. Tags: review , nikon , software-review.
View Comments Comments All HibikiTaisuna Any update on the keyboard shortcuts? Tetsujin28 No dual display support? JRPhotography1 Good new Software, but it needs refinement!
I’ll wait, while I’m continuing using C1. Bad Bokeh So far, it has crashed on my Win 10 PC several times, and it often refuses to actually execute things like Retouch.
Not even close. AMD x 32gigs and nvme ssd. NikonMarlowe Hi. NikonMarlowe Update. Digital Tyke Yes but you cannot specify the required file type. Janet Zinn yes I just discovered this and its a deal-breaker for me. RolMan Would not consider it a deal breaker, but agree that it complicates the workflow. RolMan Another issue I found is noise reduction. AhjayPee Looked good for a couple of days but now constantly crashing my Windows 10 machine with ‘Page Fault in non-paged area’ – very disappointed :.
Urbex Mark Anyone know of a way to have something similar to the Photo Tray with this new program? Nukunukoo Using it, and colour me impressed! Urbex Mark So I notice the Photo tray is gone. GiovanniB Keywording look rather rudimentary.
SwapM I like the Focus Points info.. James Grove Oh its also great to see that data and edits can be placed directly into the raw file rather than side car.
James Grove Its actually really good, I am pretty impressed with it, much better than having separate software for separate tasks. User Good to see this and great for Nikon owners who don’t want to pay for additional software. Not sure. Regards, Philippe. JochenIs You can put the location information by clicking on the location on a map or you can use a gpx track and the software can automatically extract the location information for all images in the folder. JochenIs Ah my mistake then.
NikonMan09 I would like to see the ability to add watermarks upon export in a future update in this program. MaxMoritz Unfortunately again not thought to the end: – do not display more than 4 images at the same time – no simultaneous resizing of the selected images in the viewer – no catalog for quick display with reduced image size like Media Pro.
PeterjmTim Thanks for another great review Mike. M Lammerse Silkypix is the only other soft which gives you the exact camera settings as in Capture Studio. Photog74 Can you make any localised edits via selections or brushes? Hazeyblue Yes to you question. Download it and try, it’s free. Julian Well that was an interesting surprise Julian I rarely use photoshop though, I almost exclusively work in lightroom SdeGat May good points again munn1.
Is photo work a real business for you BTW? Julian I installed NX studio over the weekend, and played with it a bit. Spectro if they just merge the 2, otherwise I will still use capture nx-d here and there. Per Vindis Very interesting. AKH You can choose what you want. Hazeyblue It does. If so, this is awesome!
Hazeyblue I use a custom Picture Set, based around Portrait – it recognises my settings. It does a exceptional job. You can export directly to Photoshop and Other Applications. Herve J twomonts1 Thank you, I thought I couldn’t find it Stretchini Won’t install after two downloads.
Running as admin. Rick It’s free. What’s the problem? CAT Productions Nice surprise. ChristopherP To reiterate a critical flaw someone noticed earlier in this thread, you cannot export directly into, in my case, Photoshop as a TIF. PhoenixImagine Most likely fixed in an update. This is version 1. AKH I wouldn’t call that very critical. You may also like. Great Joy 50mm T2.
Techinsights confirms the Nikon Z9 is using a Sony Semiconductor sensor. Latest sample galleries. Sigma mm F2. Sony E 11m F1. Sony E 15mm F1. See more galleries ». Latest in-depth reviews. Read more reviews ».
– Nikon | Download center | Capture NX-D
Camera Raw. Hands-on with the Fujifilm XF mm F5. For right now, though, if you do want to grab those installation files before the opportunity disappears, here are some links…. UncoyDP Returning to automated settings, DxO Photolab will adjust all of the above on opening any image if that’s the preset you choose.
Nikon Capture NX-D Software | Nikon – This Article Goes Great With These Products
For editing speed slidecar is faster, because for View every commends is saved as you edit and you get жмите short freeze on a slower computer. I have never had this problem when exporting from Capture One Pro 10 to Affinity. Glossary Off On. Zenodroid Adobe beats everyone else. Instead of guesses I would have appreciated some inkling of how this actually works in comparison to Nikon capture nx2 vs nxd free sw.