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Windows 10 remote desktop multiple monitors not working free. Subscribe to RSS

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Spice 1 flag Report. Best, Sean flag Report. Might make all the difference. Is the AOC set to “extend desktop”? Stupid question, but i didn’t see that mentioned. My mistake, The other user is remoting into a windows 10 pro computer. That may actually be the problem. The second screen is set to extended. Hopefully this will push them to upgrade,hopefully replace that computer with windows 10 pro. Thank you all for your help!
New contributor pimiento. Thanks so much flag Report. Read these next Worked for over a year with no problems…until I got a new laptop. I am tearing my hair out trying to figure this out. Any ideas? Is the content duplicated on both the screen or do you see separate content on both the screens? Sorry, I am not getting a clear picture here. If possible, mind sharing a quick clip of your issue and ill get a better picture? Also, my laptop runs on Windows home edition, maybe that is a limitation with home edition.
Nothing fixes it. Cannot be of much a help here, and your company should look into hiring a new helpdesk team! Now, it is only showing on the a single monitor for me and i can not appear to find any settings which suggests it needs to me set to dual. We work on Windows 10 WVD. We have a web client and a desktop client I use the desktop client , and I have confirmed the web client does not allow dual monitors to work.
Are you able to change the settings before connecting to the remote computer? Do you have RDP file saved on your desktop or something? Would this process be the same if I had 1 laptop and 2 regular monitors. Hi Sheree, Yes the process is the same! If you have any issues,let me know! Hi and Thx for the Tutorial. Do you eventually have workaround for this or know a rdp client that can solve this.
Hey alex, I prepared a guide a while back on how to split screen For pro users — Please have a look and see if this is something you are after! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. Article Navigation show. Remote Desktop Multiple Monitors Windows 10 1.
Limitations 3. Related Posts. Hi Ron, Sorry, I did not quite understand your request. Hope this guide helped clear out some confusion though. Hi K, like I have mentioned in the article do you know which version of windows does your Remote computer have? Glad it helped Mohan! Excellent, thank you for the help! Glad, this helped!
I was trying to keep this set-up flexible — for example substitute my laptop for the Surface in the same configuration, or quickly plug directly back into the desktop for 4 screens which is how I have been working up to trying this today The 5th screen being the laptop or Surface built-in screens.
What version of windows is the remote computer using? The remote computer you are trying to access should have at least windows 10 pro installed. What about the remote computer you are trying to connect to?
But when I have windows 10 pro where multi-monitors is supported , I do not get multi monitor support. It doesn’t matter though, I have since upgraded the other computer to windows 10 pro so I have multi monitor support. The one that you are connecting from doesn’t matter as long as you have the RDC client.
I take it you would like to be able to span a single remote session over two screens in Windows 10? What solved it for me was to view this as a hardware problem. Situation remote customer, new laptop connected together by end users:. What happens if I swap the Primary Display, based on some theory that different display outputs are loaded at different times Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community.
Search the community and support articles Windows Windows 10 Search Community member. Beach Dix. What are the requirements for multi monitor support in windows 10? This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread. I have the same question Report abuse. Details required :. Cancel Submit. Hi, Thank you for posting your query in Microsoft Community.
I would suggest you to follow the below steps. Click on System. Try to configure the settings. Also refer to the below article provided by the Andre de costa. Thank you. Thanks for your feedback. How satisfied are you with this reply? Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site. In reply to A. User’s post on August 27,
remote desktop will not go on dual monitors all of a sudden – Microsoft Q&A.[SOLVED] RDP multiple monitors not working – Microsoft Remote Desktop Services
I am using windows 10 pro and attempting to remote connect to a windows 7 pro machine. I select the “Use all my monitors for the remote session” option. Troubleshooting connection issues via Settings · Press Win+I to open Settings. · Go to System > Display. · Under the Multiple Displays section. 2. Remote Desktop Multiple Monitors In Windows 3+ Monitors · Go to Start and type “RUN” or hit the “Windows” + “R” key together. · Type in.
How to use multiple monitors with Microsoft Remote Desktop – Microsoft Q&A.windows 10 – remote desktop connection on 2 out of 3 monitors – Super User
Mar 01, · Click on Start and search for “Remote Desktop Connection” and open the Remote Desktop Connection app. Alternatively, hit the Windows + R key together on the keyboard to bring up the run, type mstsc, and hit Enter. Type in the Computer name or the IP address that you want to connect remotely. Enable Multimon using one of the three methods described below: a. Click “Use all monitors for the remote session” in the client () window. b. Use the “/multimon” switch on the command line. c. Add “Use Multimon:i:1” to the RDP file. Connect to a computer running Windows 7 or Windows Server R2. Jun 10, · Mar 26th, at AM. One of the things you may try if the multiple monitor options is enabled in RDP settings but still no monitor is to ensure that the two monitors on the remote side are of the same size/resolution as the ones you’re connecting from. Might make all the difference. *.