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How to Delete a Page in Word – Remove Blank or Extra Pages

Double-click on any page number. Then highlight the entire number (all of the digits) and delete. That’s it. Word auto-numbers pages. So, if you delete one page. If the “Page Numbers” option is missing from Word, it may have been removed. You can add it back by selecting the “Customize Quick Access” arrow, then selecting. To remove these extra pages, highlight the paragraph markers with your mouse or trackpad and hit the DELETE button. If one of the markers.
Insert or remove page numbers.
This is handy, for instance, if you desire a Roman numeral format for an introductory section and an Arabic numeral format for the rest of the document. If you restart numbering, the перейти на страницу will find only numbers in the current document section.
Microsoft word 2016 remove page numbers free –
If you see a page number in the footer (at the bottom of page), select the number and press the Delete key. With the cursor in the footer, click Page Number and. If the “Page Numbers” option is missing from Word, it may have been removed. You can add it back by selecting the “Customize Quick Access” arrow, then selecting. Select Insert > Page Number. Select where you want the page number to appear. Select the style you like and Word automatically numbers each page for you.