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– Easily Fix: Windows 10 System Restore Stuck or Hang Up

Researches indicate that abnormal Windows update, system files and even fast startup are the main causes. Read this post from MiniTool to get the solutions. If you don’t take action now, the consumption of your computer hard drive and CPU is high. Although it is a very frustrating and common problem, it is usually not difficult to solve. Normally, a Windows update can take a few minutes or even hours. So, you are suggested to wait for 3 hours around when Windows update is the main cause for your issue.
In fact, the fast startup is a combination of Microsoft’s sleep mode and logout function. Microsoft always uses it to send new updates and fixes to common problems, so we can always start troubleshooting by checking for updates. Here are the steps:. After you updated your Windows, check if your computer shuts down. If the problem persists, continue to the next method: Repair Windows system files. One of the best things about CMD command prompt is that you can directly request a forced shut down which stops any running applications.
Some applications and processes cannot be easily closed when you want to shut down your computer, this may be the cause of your shutdown problem. These applications are likely to run automatically in Windows Startup without your permission. So here we can control them and disable every application that is not needed at startup.
This will also increase your startup speed and shutdown speed. After the system restore is finished, try to shut down your computer again. When the system restore process is finished, you can reverse your computer to a previous state. And the system restore point can also help you to solve some system malfunctions or other problems. What is a system restore point and how to create restore point Windows 10? This post will show you the answers.
If you do have a recent Windows system backup, go back to the state when you were able to shut down your Windows Here is how to perform system image recovery.
Step 4: Choose the latest system image or an image backup that enables Windows 11 shut down. Step 5: Follow the guidance to restore your PC. Receive the system image restore failed error message in Windows 10? This post shows you full solutions to fix it on 3 common cases.
All of these solutions are easy and helpful, now you can choose a proper way to fix it. If you have any questions and suggestions, please contact us via [email protected] or leave a comment. Download Shadowmaker. Tip: If needed, choose to try troubleshooting as an administrator and apply it. Tip: This operation will cause your system and files loss, you had better back up your data in advance. Solutions Are Here! Read More. It hibernates the kernel, saving its state so it can boot faster.
Does force shutdown damage the computer? Your data might take any damage from a forced shutdown. If you are working on any files when things go bad, then you will lose your unsaved work.
It is also possible that the shutdown operation will cause data corruption in any files that you have open. How often should you restart your computer? In general, computers running old versions of Windows should be shut down every night to achieve their best performance. Computers running newer versions of Windows and Mac computers can be shut down or restarted less frequently. What happens if you turn off your computer without shutting it down?
Shutting down PC forcibly can result in severe data loss and corruption which can make you reinstall the operating system again.
How to Fix Windows 10/11 Stuck on Welcome Screen [] – Why Windows 10/11 Won’t Shut Down
When I rebooted back to Windows, it always stuck at the same “Please Wait” screen, that screen after you boot up, right before the. Click on the power icon, then while holding Shift, click on Restart. · Windows should enter the Advanced Recovery Options menu. · Now click on. Hold power button for 8–10 secs, now you should see black screen and it should shutdown · power on again by pressing the power button · when you see the display.
Windows 10 stuck at Please wait screen – Microsoft Community – Question Info
If it does not download automatically, please click here. Sophie Luo. Many Windows 7 users are able to solve it with one of the following solutions. You may not have to try them all; just work your way down until you find the one that works for you. Run Windows Update troubleshooter 2. Update drivers 3. Restart the Windows Update service manually 4.
Update Patches 5. Change DNS server settings. This will fix most of the Windows update not working issues. The problem can be caused by faulty drivers especially the faulty network card drivers. Driver Easy will automatically recognize your system and find the correct drivers for it. But with the Pro version it takes just 2 clicks and you get full support and a day money back guarantee :. To fix the Windows Update stuck issue, you can try to restart the Windows Update service manually.
To fix it, you can download the patches and install them. Windows Update not working issue can also be caused by приведу ссылку DNS server settings.
To fix it, you can modify увидеть больше settings:. If you have any questions, please feel free to leave your comments below. I’m a technical writer for Driver Easy. Before finding my love for writing tech posts, I had passion for technology goes back much further.
I love tinkering with computers, smartphones, and other tech toys. I write articles to help people solve their problems, whether it’s a hardware issue or system error. I’m inspired when my articles are of help, and that’s what I have been aiming for. All I do every day is to write articles that are easy to read, and I do hope you find instructions in my posts easy to follow.
To install Driver Easy Click. Sophie Luo Last Updated: windows 10 hangs on startup please wait free years ago. Type troubleshooting in the search box and select Troubleshooting. Click Advanced. Click Run as administratorand ensure the checkbox next to Apply repairs automatically is selected. Click Next then Windows will detect and fix the problems automatically. The process may take a few minutes. After the process is done, check to see if the Windows Update stuck issue is resolved.
Method 2: Update drivers The problem can be caused by windows 10 hangs on startup please wait free drivers especially the faulty network card drivers. But with the Pro version it takes capture one pro 9.3 free 2 clicks and you get full support and a day money back guarantee : Download and install Driver Easy.
Run Driver Easy and click the Scan Now button. Driver Easy will then scan your computer and detect any problem drivers. Click the Update button next to any flagged device to automatically download the correct version of its driver, жмите сюда you can manually install it you can do this windows 10 hangs on startup please wait free the FREE version. After updating windows 10 hangs on startup please wait free drivers, check to see if the Windows Update stuck issue is resolved.
Method 3: Restart the Windows Update service windows 10 hangs on startup please wait free To fix the Windows Update stuck issue, you can try to restart the Windows Update service manually.
You can follow these steps to restart the Windows Update service: Click the Start menu button at the bottom left corner of the desktop. Type cmd in the search box, then right-click on cmd and select Run as administrator. Type net stop wuauserv and press the Enter key on your keyboard.
Type net start wuauserv and press the Enter key on your keyboard. Then the Windows Update service will be started again. Check to see if the Windows Update stuck issue is resolved. View by Large icons and click Windows Update. Click Change settings. Under the Important updates section, select Never check for updates recommended.
Then click OK to save and continue. Restart your computer. Place them on your PC desktop. Reboot your computer again. On your keyboard, press the Windows logo key and R at the same time.
Type services. Right-click Windows Update and click Stop. Reboot your computer. Click Check for updates. Wait for while for Windows to search for the updates for you. You can also turn on the Windows Update service that we turned off if you like. To fix it, you can modify the /50638.txt On your keyboard, press the Windows windows 10 hangs on startup please wait free key and приведу ссылку Control Panel.
Click Change adapter settings. Click the Advanced button. Go to DNS tab. Then Remove them from this window. Autodesk revit uninstall free OK to save the change. Now check your Windows Update again, see if the problem is solved.
Windows Update. Della Huang. The best 10 torrent sites in — Most popular in the world Camilla Mo 2 weeks ago. By Sophie Luo. Contributor s :.