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May 19, · Instead, use Microsoft’s generic product key to force the upgrade. Go to Settings > Update & Security > Activation and click Change Product Key. Next, enter the default Windows 10 Pro product key. Aug 04, · But the company also offers free in-store support. Whether you purchased your computer from Microsoft or another retailer, the Answer Desk folks at your local Microsoft store can assist you. On the General tab, click Change and select Windows Explorer for the program you would like to use to open ISO files and select Apply. Right-click the ISO file and select Mount. Double-click the ISO file to view the files within. Double-click to start Windows 10 setup. More download options.
Upgrade Windows Home to Windows Pro
Here are a few different ways to find help for Windows. Search for help – Enter a question or keywords in the search box on the taskbar to find apps, files. Microsoft support is here to help you with Microsoft products. Find how-to articles, videos, and training for Office, Windows, Surface, and more.
– Windows 10 pro help free
May 19, · Instead, use Microsoft’s generic product key to force the upgrade. Go to Settings > Update & Security > Activation and click Change Product Key. Next, enter the default Windows 10 Pro product key. Dec 22, · Get Superfast Mouse, Touchpad Speeds. Calibrate Your Monitor. Activate ‘God Mode’. Defragment Your Hard Drive. Find the Time it Takes Programs to Load at Startup. Use Maximum CPU Power. Copy and. Aug 04, · But the company also offers free in-store support. Whether you purchased your computer from Microsoft or another retailer, the Answer Desk folks at your local Microsoft store can assist you.
Windows 10 pro Help – Microsoft Community.Microsoft Support
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