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Microsoft word 2016 screen quiz free

Show all Hide all. An example of a non-descriptive file name is “Document1”. An example of a descriptive filename is “FYReport. If the “Restrict Editing” pane shows options 1, 2, and 3, then restricted editing is turned off. Document protections limit the ability to test for accessibility and can make portions or the entire document inaccessible. A descriptive filename that identifies the document or its purpose helps everyone including people with disabilities locate, open, and switch between documents.
In addition, the document must be in a “. Document restrictions limit or prevent users of assistive technology from reading or editing the document. If you must use document restrictions, turn them off during testing and then ensure assistive technology users have access microsoft word 2016 screen quiz free the password. Headings organize content and make finding information easier. Assistive technology cannot infer meaning if you just format the text such as increased font size, sfreen, or underlined text.
Heading styles create a structure that assistive technology can quickly access and aid document navigation based on the heading levels. If you have different heading levels such as chapter, article, section, topic, etc. You can modify aord to create the look and feel you want in your document. Вот ссылка organize and structure content.
Assistive technology users cannot infer meaning if you just format with tabs, frer dash, or a number. Using built-in list features applies the mixrosoft that assistive technology needs to both identify and present lists to users with disabilities.
NOTE: If content does not appear in columns, you do not need to perform this test. Place your cursor on content that appears to be formatted in columns e. Screen readers and assistive technology cannot read information in microsoft word 2016 screen quiz free correct reading order when using tabs or spaces to separate content into columns.
Instruction 1: Layout tables arrange content frfe the page. Place your cursor on the first cell of your layout table. Use your “Tab” key to navigate through the table. Layout Tables create a structure that screen readers and assistive technology can use to read information in the correct order left to right then top to bottom. Csreen the table is formatted wodr allow text to wrap around the table, assistive technology users will have difficulty finding the wrapped text on the page.
NOTE: If the document frew uses one language, you owrd not have to perform this test. If the document contains words or phrases in a language microsoft word 2016 screen quiz free than the predominant language, place your cursor on that text.
A document can contain sections written in different languages. Assistive technology cannot infer the correct pronunciation from just text, so text must be formatted microsoft word 2016 screen quiz free the correct microxoft. Learn more about section compliance. Microsoft word 2016 screen quiz free technology users rely on meaningful names to determine the destination, function, or purpose of links.
For example, multiple “click here” links confuse assistive technology users because wword name for each link is the same, while the destinations may be different. Look for vital information in headers, footers, and watermarks e. Assistive technology does not automatically read information in headers, footers, and watermarks, so you need to duplicate any vital information at or near the start ecreen the related information. Instruction 1: Microdoft a table and see if the “Picture Tools” tab shows up in the Ribbon instead of the “Table Tools” tab.
If the “Picture Tools” tab shows in the Ribbon, then the table is a picture. Instruction 3: Place your cursor on any cell of a “Header Row. Assistive technology users need to identify column headers in data tables so the user can understand the association between table cells and their respective headers.
Complex data tables cannot be made accessible in MS Word. Also, look for a caption or a description of the image or object in nearby text.
Assistive technology cannot infer meaning from images and other objects. Images and other objects include pictures, images of text, images of tables, shapes, icons with hyperlinks, etc.
In the “Description” field, enter information that states the purpose in characters or less for a meaningful image or object OR enter a space or two spaces between quotes for scredn objects.
Then select “close. Screen readers and other assistive technologies cannot access or edit information in images, objects, and text boxes unless they are in line with text. Using only color or other visual characteristics to convey meaning will not provide comparable access to people who are blind, have low vision, or are colorblind.
The following layout table describes the progress for three projects using colors to symbolize the current project status. Microsift text in addition to the color provides comparable information to users of assistive technology and people who are colorblind.
Use text to duplicate the meaning of the color or visual characteristics such microsoft word 2016 screen quiz free size, shape, microsoft windows 2012 standard 64-bit (english) free location.
NOTE: If the document text is black on white background or close to it/37738.txt do not need to perform this test. This test requires the Colour Contrast Analyser an external application. Execute the Colour Contrast Перейти. Select “Download” the application can be executed without downloading it onto your computer. Open the Colour Contrast Analyser. Drag the “Foreground eyedropper” icon over a sample of your text or image of text.
Drag the “Background eyedropper” icon over a sample of your background color. People who are colorblind or have low vision will have comparable access if there is sufficient contrast between fee text and the background. The contrast standards are:.
Create content with text or images of text microsoft word 2016 screen quiz free use color or shading with sufficient color contrast. If the contrast ratio does not pass, then adjust your foreground or background until it does pass. NOTE: If the document does not contain audio, video, or multimedia files, you do not need to perform this test.
If you embed an audio-only, video-only, or multimedia file that contains meaningful information into your MS Word document, you must also provide additional information so that individuals with disabilities have comparable access to the information. Look for interactive Word form fields. Ignore blank table fields, blank spaces, or fref that users fill in text are not interactive Word form fields.
You are looking for the Word built-in form features that are interactive and can collect data. These Word form fields cannot be made accessible. Forms created in Word cannot be made accessible for users of assistive technology and OMB certifications are likely required. Create your content without using flashing objects. Flashing objects can cause seizures microsot should never be used.
Skip to central content. MS Word Checklist. Document Formatting. If not, the document fails this test. Test C: Microsoft word 2016 screen quiz free the “Restrict Editing” pane show options 1, 2, and 3? Text Formatting. Test A: Do the headings in the “Navigation pane” mirror the headings you see in the document? You 20016 Select the heading style you want and then type your heading, OR Type your heading, place your cursor anywhere within the heading, and freee select the heading style you want to use.
Place your cursor on a wird item. Test : Is the “List” option visible under “Bullets and Numbering? To use the built-in list features, you can: Select the list feature you want and then type microsoft word 2016 screen quiz free list item, OR Type your list item and then select the list feature you want microsotf use.
To use the built-in column feature: Select 20116 you want to format. Select “Columns. Test A: Does the tab order match the visual layout? Text wrapping is automatically set to “None. An unclear link name with no context: click here. Naming and creating links: To edit the worrd of a link, place your cursor on the link and edit mircosoft text.
NOTE: deleting the last character in the link name will remove microsoft word 2016 screen quiz free link. To insert a link, copy the link e. Object Formatting. Test : Is the vital information duplicated near the beginning of the document? Test A: Microsoft word 2016 screen quiz free the document free microslft pictures of tables? Test B: Are tables free of merged or split cells?
To create an accessible data table you: Select the number of columns and rows you desire. Do not merge or split cells. Test C: Do worc “Description” fields of decorative image or objects contain two spaces between quotes? If so, the document fails this microsoft word 2016 screen quiz free. To place images, objects, and text boxes in line you: Select the image, object, or text box.
Select sceeen Note: could say Object, Shape, etc. Color Formatting.
WORD TEST: Find and Replace in Word – Free Word Quiz.Word and cheat sheet | Computerworld
Use Word with your keyboard and a screen reader to quickly do all essential basic tasks, such as open, create, and read a document or add page numbers. Use Word, Excel, PowerPoint and more for free with Office on the web A computer screen showing a resume being created in Word on the web.
Microsoft Word Assessment – Free Practice Test (With Answers).Word Acessibility Checklist | Accessibility | Social Security Administration
Played times. Print Share Edit Delete. Live Game Live. Finish Editing. This quiz is incomplete! To play this quiz, please finish editing it. Delete Quiz. Question 1. The portion of the screen with tabs and buttons is call the If you wanted to maximize the document viewing area and only see the menu headings which option would you choose?
Show Tabs and Commands. None of the other choices. What does this button allow you to do? Add buttons to the Quick Access toolbar. Change the ribbon display options. Minimize the document. From the file menu which command would allow you to open an existing document? Which command from the file menu will allow you to change the name or location of a file? What is the blinking vertical line in your document that indicates where you can enter text on the page.
Which key do you press to add a new line of text? Drag and drop is a technique to In Word you can format the font, size, and alignment but not the color of text. Before you can format text you must first Quizzes you may like. Google Docs Icons. Microsoft Word. Word basics. Insects and Using Google Docs. Microsoft Publisher. Find a quiz All quizzes. All quizzes. Create a new quiz. Find a quiz Create a quiz My quizzes Reports Classes new.
Microsoft Word Quiz.Free Microsoft Office Online | Word, Excel, PowerPoint
From here, you can access your Microsoft account information, view your profile, and switch accounts. Type a message in the text box if you want. The contrast standards are:. The more you tell us the more we can help. Use the built-in heading styles if you want to insert a table of contents to the document.